Part 216: Mission 56 - Your Self, My Self - Part 2

Heres a quick look on what we have to contend with:

Jerid and Mauer are packing new Baund Docs and theyre quite bulkier than their old Byarlants. They cant use their TRI, so the strongest attack available to them is a Scattering Mega Particle Cannon which is a 2-5 range, post-movement ALL attack.
Theyre more dangerous than before thanks to this but we have plenty of experience dealing with them.

The real threat here is Scirocco in his swanky Dogosse Gier battleship. The thing has massive range with an ALL Mega Particle Cannon and you can bet itll hit everything forever thanks to Sciroccos stacking Newtype, Genius and his leader bonus (Accuracy Rate +30%, Counterattacking damage +20%). Hell, he can even dodge with the thing.
Its equipped with a MAPW High Mega Particle Cannon which also has long range, so youre advised to approach at a diagonal angle. Thankfully, Scirocco still has no defensive skills whatsoever so keep Confuse running on approach and take that ship down quick.
Yazans crew the same as mission 51 and Löwen and Schlan, despite not saying anything in the previous scene, are also present and leading a squad over by the SW corner. Theyre actually much weaker than on mission 47 (probably to account for all other bosses present), which is why you wont need many folks here to take them out.
Have Renton nuke as many units as possible and let your SW team clear up the rest.
FINALLY, heres two of the secrets were going to be tackling today:

- Have Shinn and Kira have a battle with Rey
- Have Shinn use the Convince command on Rey
- Have Shinn shoot down the Legend Gundam
- Have Athrun use the Convince command on Yzak.

I set Renton to nuke Schlan and as many ships as possible, using his extra move to also double-attack about 70% of the guys HP away.

Deploy it!

Thats 21 enemies down!

Schlan quickly declares that he cannot continue and retreats. Touga expected much more of a fight from him and Eijis sure hes up to something.
Olson sees that the Chimera apparently arent taking this seriously and Atena wonders why. Banjou ponders that Edel might be preparing for a decisive battle of her own.

Pretty much every other special system triggers after this.

Lets get rid of Löwen, too, just to err on the side of caution.

I actually wanted Rand to get an attack in but Tetsuya is too strong.
Rand and Setsuko did have stuff to say if they attacked any of these two:

Like Schlan, Löwen backs off easy which, again, strikes everyone as strange since this is supposed to be THE showdown.
Gain smells fish and Setsuko wonders if theyre conserving their forces for something else.

Back to work, the last Patoulia falls to Aquarion and Murrue, while Gainer starts hunting whats left of the Chimeras side.

Nearby, Duke greatly weakens this trio of Euclids. He dodges the counter by proccing double image (I gave him a Hyper Jammer).

The Gran Knights have a special TRI, too.
I didnt mention before but Zafts mooks are now yacking so much about Durandal this, Durandal that.

For the sake of expedience, Rand and Ryouma TRI attack two wide squads: the surviving southwestern Marasai group and this batch of ZAKUs, respectively.
Both squad leaders are downed and Banjou takes another ZAKU.

This group had the bad luck of being in TRI formation near Roger.

Triple kill.

Kira blasts another group into oblivion while Shinn takes a leader ZAKU, weakening the rest.
Both kids are headed towards Sciroccos crew.

Marinll finish the job.

Wouldve killed even at full HP.

Camilles leading the charge against the Titans and falls just short of oneshotting a Byarlant.

Enemy Phase!

Amidst Zaft trying (and failing) to killsteal some weak Feds, this group decides to charge Rand.

The leader hangs on but the squaddies arent so lucky. Another weak ZAKU kamikazes against him.

I so wanted to have Shinn use his ALL here but his EN needs some conservation, so he just kills the leader.
The Nazca destroyers are trudging over and Garrod slaps one away.

The last SW Marasai dies to Banjou and these Euclids also play ball, attacking Duke.

There they all go.

Camille finishes his Byarlant and blasts the other trio of Euclids, while Loran tears a hole through this Messala group.

As Baldios oneshots a Marasai, this other batch has the better idea and attacks Bright.

Just 700 damage short. Brights also attacked by a second Marasai and Byarlant squad.

Finally, Roger trades blows with this Messala and leaves it barely hanging.

Mauer and Jerid, of course, go straight for Camille.
Heres the Baund Doc strongest attack, since Jerids too dumb to deploy in TRI formation.

And here comes Yazan, busting out his new Spider web combined attack.
Its a whiff but the thing ends after the web connects anyway. The real danger of this attack is that it can stun, so watch it.

Both Agamemnon-class ships survived Rentons nuke and one get pummeled by Kei. The other snipes away at Tetsuya.
And their turn finally ends, with Scirocco, Rey and Yzak coming closer. Talia is staying put.

Player Phase!

We start working on Sciroccos cronies, starting with Mauer.

Following Hamans salvo, Kira has a good MAPW set up.

Yum. Thats 10 mooks dead, including Jerid and Mauers squaddies.

Aaah, this is hardly the best set-up but anything to speed this up.

Six more kills, which Bright capitalizes on for another pair.

Now, to follow this up.
Trinity Wing is actually rather different when it doesnt kill. Also, Yazan is at a loss for words when we cancelled his combo attack by killing his men.

Both Ramsus and Dunkel cant go on and are forced to eject their exploding units.

Meanwhile, Baldios has left Mauer on her last legs and Roger moves in to seal the deal.

Thats three for three, Jerid!

*Jerid casts Strike, Invincible and Vigor*

Camilles squad has other business, so well have his buddy bring Yazan down.


On the other side, Kei and Gain have just cleared away their last group of Euclids.

Rentons wrecked one of the surviving Agamemnon and Tetsuya moves for the other.

This sides almost all clear.

Diana follows up on Dukes TRI and a GOUF squad is easily dropped. Nearby, while Rand destroys a weakened ZAKU, Ryouma takes away about 80% of this Nazcas HP, which is finished off by Murrue.

Another Nazca, this one has been weakened by Lacus.

Garrod doesnt even get to attack.

How about we give Faye a chance to shine?

Zaft status: jacked off.

Amuro switches over and cuts an Alexandria down to size.

Enemy Phase!

Garrod, Loran and Duke get attacked by one weakened Zaft mook each, scoring easy kills, while Murrue and Lacus trade blows with Nazca destroyers.

Bright himself is getting pestered by some Euclids who TRI him.

Ah, right, I had forgotten about you.

There goes his Invincible.

Huh I thought hed be going after Amuros group.

Player Phase!

Sure, sure.

Roger has a decente MAPW set up but Apollos group needs to get away first.

There goes half of Jerids health.

Everything dies, save for that Alexandria.

Bright and Diana finish off a couple of Gaplants.

On the other side, Duke weakens a Nazca and leaves it set for Sandman.
That dynamic finish is so adorable.

As people start clearing out other weakened mooks on the center and SW corner, I believe its time to worry about those Gondwanas.
I see some GuAIZ in there!
Rand lends an assist and this should go down next turn.

Jiron slaps Jerid around and Kira his second MAPW ammo, destroying the Alexandria.

Time for you to go, buddy-boy.

Amuro also learns Zeal!

Moving right along, Loran and Garrod wreck two more Gaplants. While Toshiya and Harry take shots at Scirocco.

Enemy Phase!

Sandman, Diana and Duke claim some weakened attackers while Rand trades blows with the Gondwana.

Yzak has finally gotten close enough where he can attack Kira but we just dodge. Elsewhere, this clever Alexandria through it could outsnipe Roger.

Reys getting rather close and the Minerva finally starts moving. Scirocco actually decides to move away from us, probably chasing the weakened Argama.

Player Phase!
Alright, I reckon this is enough for today. Were about halfway through it all, so well wrap everything up come next Saturday.
See you all then!